24 Ocak 2013 Perşembe


 I ve recommended on :







              When I was in high school my teacher asked us to make  the  a list of universities that we dream about. First uiversity of my list was METU. I wrote it saying ''just a dream''. But it is real now. I am a METU student.  I am happy about it because METU means freedom for me. One of the best selections for my education, for my future.
           Challenges don't disturb me because I was staying in a dormitory when I was a student of high school. It's okey with me eating tasteless meals, staying in a room with 4 people and so on. Class are not so hard for me because English doesn't tire me . The  problems  are my mother and my little brother. I always miss them so much. My brother is 10 years old and  he is my best friend. He needs me just as I need him. My mother also misses me I know and these are the challenges for me. Living without them is like eating cake that has no sugar. Anyway, I think METU is the right place for me and I can try to be happy there.                                                 

19 Ocak 2013 Cumartesi



                                                         SLOGANS OF METU

         When I first saw the slogan '' I BRAİN METU'' I thought it is not the perfect one because it's not sympathic for me. It is saying like '' DO NOT COME HERE''. I think it can be more funny or more challenging. It my opinion of course, I do not like formal things so much. Social things is more challenging for me. I think education should teach how to like learning something.'' I BRAIN METU''  is so formal. Our teachers would say us '' sit and study science'' it brings my mind to this. It can be more pleasurable I think. This is my opinion others may like it. There can be people who like formal things or science like math. I do not like the things related to math and '' I brain  METU'' brings my mind to manth.

          It can be something more social.We know that universities are the hearth of a country and it can say this to people who see METU 's slogan. '' We believe that we can change the whole world with the help of this soul, starting from our immediate world.'' is good for instance, I could I would choose this one. This reflects the soul that change all aspects of life. '' I BRAİN METU'' does not say social things to me,it looks like nothing but science however it should have reflected the society a bit more.



                                 BEİNG A STUDENT IN METU

         When I was in high school my teacher asked us to make a list of universities that we dream about. The first university  of my list was METU. I wrote it saying '' just a dream'' But it is a reality  now. I am a METU student. I am happy about it because METU means freedom for me. It is one of the best universities  for my education.
  Challenges do not disturb me because I was staying in a dormitory when I was a student of high school. It is okay with me eating tasteless meals, staying in a room with 4 people and so on. Classes are not so hard for me because English does not tire me. The only problem is my mother and my little brother. I always miss them so much. My brother is 10 years old and he is my best friend. He needs me just as I need him. My mother also misses me I know and these are the challenges for me. Living without them is like eating cake that has ne sugar. Anyway, I think METU is the right place for me and I can try to be happy there



Look at this little sweet girl. The video shot while she was playing a computer game. She is so young, about 4 or 5 years old but she is so care about  the game that she cries for she can not play it well.I think about my childhood that we were playing with our babies, we used to sew clothes for them and time would pass with these. Our reality was the things that we can feel, see, smell, in other words, the things that concrete. Look at the  girl crying in front of the computer. That is because she braught up with these and  apparently she cares about them much more than everything else. She does not know that the play is just for fun, she thinks that play the game succesfully is the most important thing  because she have risen up in a technological  environment and so she can not see the abstract side of it.

      People do not exposure technological advices much  from the beginning of their life are aware of that the technology is abstract because they have risen up outside of the  technology and so they can critisize it. Living outside of something gives the change of critisize because you can watch them objectively. But living with them means being a part of them that means lack of talent to critisize it, seeing its wrong sides. In technology it is also true and this video is one of the proofs it. The little girl could not enjoy the game because she thinks the aim of her life at that moment is play it well. She can not discriminate the real values of life and the imaginary ones. That is a big problem of people now and there must be educations for stop that because can not discriminating real and imagine is causes big problems even causes ilnessess.

15 Ocak 2013 Salı

Marketıng Çiğköfte

              TURKISH  ÇIGKÖFTE              
      Lets talk about something really interesting and so delicious that if one tastes it he will never forget that kind of taste. It also has cultural value for Turkish people. You are excited are not you? So here is the name of this masterpiece: Çiğköfte

It’s story dates back the time of prophet İbrahim. When Nimrod collected all firewood in Urfa in order to build a monumental execution pyre, the wife of a hunter had to prepare venison raw in the absence of firewood. She mixed the meat with bulgur, herbs and spices and crushed the mixture with stone implements until it was palatable.

     It is easy to make çiğköfte you don’t need even fire to cook it !!  Just buy some species like red pepper, a bowel of bulghur, meat and vegetables then let’s bring them together and rub !! Coming Turkey and not tasting the çiğköfte means half of your travel is meaningless !! İt is made not only by rubbing it but also by adding our affection to the species’s and meat’s extraordinary dance !! I, personally, strongly advise all of you to taste this wanderfull and really delicious food. You will never regret !

     There is a photo of çiğköfte made by really good chefs above. 
         The cigköfte is really delicious and cheap. It can be  eaten  wrap shaped also. It has a very important space in Turkish culture. In every aspect of life it can be eaten for example in celebratings, in weddings, in family meetings and whatever you can think. TRY IT, YOU WİLL NEVER REGRET!!

Gamze EMİR 
Mizgin DOĞAN 

2 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba



                                             REAL OR NOT?

    We live in  technology age and our lifes are shaped by it. We watch the tv serials, programmes, films and something like these that besiege our brains, our thinking which is one of the most important features of us. We stop thinking most of time and just watch, just see what other people think and serve us. No imagination of us is needed. That is horrible when thinking  about it but it is seen such a normal thing that no one stops and think that we, as humanbeing, are lost our talent of thinking for a while. We can create the scenes by ourselves when reading but we do not choose this, we choose the prepared ones.After a while, we start to compare them with the real life. The question ''Is there such a thing in real life?'' arises. Adult can overcome saying '' No'' but think about a child that brought up exposed to these. Do you think it is as easy as  adults to notice what is real or not for him? 



                                    LOOKİNG LİKE A  FOREİNG

In this video, we see a woman wanting to be like an artist and leave her own appearance. This is a new trend that people want to be looking like famous people. They want their nose to be like famouses' , their chest like famouses' , their lips also and a lot of example like these. They see celebrates much beautiful than themselves and being like famous people gives them good sense. You can see in this video that the girl wants to be like a famous and going under plastic surgery. It's cost is  high, really high because she wants to change her chest, lip, nose and cheekbone which means really so much change. She does not care about it. Secondly, she afraids of being surgeried but she tries to overcome and the love of beauty or being like the girl she tries to looking like wins and the consequence is seen. She looks like the famous one at last but her face's naturality has gone, her mimics almost has gone, the characteristic  of her face can not been seen. No one can judge people's decisions, her own life she changed but I guess I would not go under a plastic surgery just for being like someone else I think naturality is one of the most important thing in life.





   Beauty is one of the most imortant thing in humanbeing life. It's importance is sometimes being  underestimated but no one can say  that it is totally unimportant. Almost everyone want to see themselves as beautiful because it brings self-confidence. More and more people are going under plastic surgery with the aim of being much more beautiful and so feel much comfortably. People tends to leave their own appearance, their innately given appearance because of the love of beauty. Japans, for example, as seen  one of the most dependent nation of the world when talking about keening on customs but we see a new trend which includes lift of eye lid that one of the most striking scene of the importance of beauty in humanbeing aspect nowadays. I hope the love of beauty will not  become the core of life forgetting that humanbeing is much more than appearance. Of course beauty is important but it is not the most important thing in life.