19 Ocak 2013 Cumartesi



Look at this little sweet girl. The video shot while she was playing a computer game. She is so young, about 4 or 5 years old but she is so care about  the game that she cries for she can not play it well.I think about my childhood that we were playing with our babies, we used to sew clothes for them and time would pass with these. Our reality was the things that we can feel, see, smell, in other words, the things that concrete. Look at the  girl crying in front of the computer. That is because she braught up with these and  apparently she cares about them much more than everything else. She does not know that the play is just for fun, she thinks that play the game succesfully is the most important thing  because she have risen up in a technological  environment and so she can not see the abstract side of it.

      People do not exposure technological advices much  from the beginning of their life are aware of that the technology is abstract because they have risen up outside of the  technology and so they can critisize it. Living outside of something gives the change of critisize because you can watch them objectively. But living with them means being a part of them that means lack of talent to critisize it, seeing its wrong sides. In technology it is also true and this video is one of the proofs it. The little girl could not enjoy the game because she thinks the aim of her life at that moment is play it well. She can not discriminate the real values of life and the imaginary ones. That is a big problem of people now and there must be educations for stop that because can not discriminating real and imagine is causes big problems even causes ilnessess.

1 yorum:

  1. Hi Mizgin

    I was shocked when I watched this video. The little girl is highly interesting. I knew that children love computer games, but this girl is pretty addicted to games. It may be sweet, but this video shows us that how children affected by games. This is excessive for this age girl. I am agree with you that the girl does not enjoy. However, games should be entertainment tool for children. Parents should be careful about how much their children should play computer or other technologic devices. When children deal with these games, they may think it is real. I strongly agree with you about this. The little girl cannot differentiate plays from real life, so she is very upset and stressful. This problem may cause bigger problem in the future unless necessary cautions are not applied.
