31 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba
When we say '' university'' we also say freedom, real education, being among wise people, saying what you think freely, accomplishing yourself. I think university should be like this. Because expectation of old generation is young people who cares about life, who educated, and say something about events. Because a few people speak, others just obey. Educated people must be who speak.
University should have opportunities, groups, social activities like theathre, concers, meeting... Anything that accomplish people should be accessible for all students.
Metu meets up with my expectations. There is so many opptunities for students. I can freely walking around, nobody disturbs me. Education is good, I can accompolish myself there I think. Metu is goog, it satisfies me.
17 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba
When I saw the slogan '' I brain ODTÜ'' I thougth it is not the perfect one because it's not sympathic for me. İt is saying like '' dont come here''. I think it can be more funny or more challenging. For me of course because I dont like formal things so much social things is more challenging for me. I think education should teach how to like learn something. Brain is so formal, from our childhood they said us '' sit and study science'' brain remembers me this. It can be more pleasurable I think. This is my opinion others may like it. There can be people who likes official thinks. Or maths. I dont like the things related to math. And brain remembers them.
It can be something more social. Because we know that universities are the hearth of a country. It can say this to people who see metus slogan. For example ''We believe that we can change the whole world with the help of this soul, starting from our immediate environment. '' is good if I could I would choose this one . Changing the all aspect of world. Not only science but also people. ''I brain odtü'' doesnt say social things to me, it looks like nothing but science but it shuold have reflect the society a bit more.
When I was in high school my teacher asked us to make the a list of universities that we dream about. First uiversity of my list was METU. I wrote it saying ''just a dream''. But it is real now. I am a metu student. I am happy about it because metu means freedom for me. One of the best selection for my education, for my future.
Challenges doesn't disturb me because I was staying in a dormitory when I was a student of high school. It's okey with me eating tasteless meals, staying a room with 4 people and so on. Class are not so hard for me English doesnt tire me . The only problem is my mother and my little brother. I always miss them so much. My brother is 10 years old and he is my best friend. He needs me just as I need him. My mother also miss me I know and these are the challenges for me. Living without them is like eating cake that has no sugar. Anyway, I think metu is the rigth place for me and I can try to be happy there.
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